BREAKING: Pacifex 11
Linked to
Asian Earthquake
Captain Eric H. May
Intelligence Editor
The Lone Star Iconoclastwritten for Veterans TodayMarch 27, 2011
Capt. Eric H. MayHOUSTON, 3/27/2011 — For the second time in the last four years, the training scenario of an in-progress, high-level U.S. disaster drill has actually occurred in Myanmar, the Indochina rice bowl that has irked international investors with its anti-globalist economic policies.
Three researchers sent me emails yesterday, the sum of which is that the former Burma probably suffered a punitive geowar attack. I render them to my reader with this earnest counsel:
They who caused Mayanmar’s mayhem have planned National Level Exercise 2011 for mid-May. At its core is a catastrophic U.S. earthquake.
ONE — Mike Delaney (Prothink) produced the best 9/11 documentary, Missing Links, and is well known as the unfazed recipient of throaty threats by an apoplectic Alex Jones. He wrote:
“In the 1970's the U.S. signed the Environmental Modification Treaty banning the use of tectonic weapons, but how would the public know if it were now being broken? In 2007, when the infamous HR 1955 was floating around Congress, the Simon Wiesenthal Center specified which issues they wanted people to shut their mouths about. These were:
“I pay close attention to ‘conspiracy theories,’ but never heard the one about Sumatra until it was brought up in the HR 1955 hearings. It was a big issue in the Middle East, though, which is spot-on about other issues. Fast forward to the Haiti earthquake, which Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez said the U.S. caused.
“Now we have the earthquake/tsunami in Japan, which has the third strongest economy in the world, followed by its WW II partner, Germany. I would not be surprised to see a misfortune happen in Germany soon as well.”
TWO – Brother Shahid Allah, an eight-year veteran of Ghost Troop, sent me 6.8-Magnitude Quake Strikes NE Myanmar, to which I replied:
‘Salaam, Brother Allah! I strongly suspect that this was tectonic warfare, neatly coinciding with the second day of earthquake/tsunami drill PACIFEX 11, the subject of my article Tsunamis Today, 323, Worry Watchers.
“This isn’t the first strong case for a geowar attack against the country. On May 2, 2008, it was slammed by category-four Cyclone Nargis on the second day of U.S. National Level Exercise 2-08, which was then simulating a category-four storm. I wrote a article about it for the Iconoclast, Storms and Quakes: Weapons of War?:
“Whatever momentous event may happen in the future, you can count on the media to tell it wrong, and to label those who tell it right ‘conspiracy theorists.’ That’s the nature of information in evil times, when you have to move heaven and earth to get the truth out.”
THREE – Former Marine Major Bill Fox is the publisher of America First Books, and the author of the three-volume history of Ghost Troop, Mission of Conscience. He wrote:
“I watched the following video of nuclear scientist Leuren Moret, who offers invaluable insights on the 3/11/11 earthquake-tsunami-nuclear catastrophe. Here’s an introduction:
‘In 2004 Leuren Moret wrote Japan’s Deadly Game of Nuclear Roulette in the Japan Times, unmasking the lies and distortions by government and industry officials that led to nuclear power plants built in unstable areas. On March 20, in an exclusive 65-minute video interview with Alfred Webre, she declared that the 3/11/11 Japan earthquake and ‘accidents’ at Fukushima’s six nuclear power plant units were in fact deliberate acts of tectonic and nuclear warfare against Japan.
“52 minutes into the video, Moret suggests that Space Shuttle Discovery was a forward observer for a HAARP attack on Japan. I wonder whether she read your False Flag Space Shuttle, posted in February, in which you gave an early warning that the shuttle might target nuclear reactors. [See Editor's Note below].
+ + +Endnotes
- National Level Exercise 2011 (NLE 2011),
- 9/11 Missing Links,
- Alex Jones Apoplectic,
- Environmental Modification Convention,
- HR 1955,
- The Protocols of Zion,
- The Holocaust,
- 9/11,
- Sumatra Tsunami,
- Hugo Chavez says Haiti was HAARP victim,
- Myanmar 6.8 Earthquake,
- Geowar: Storms and Quakes ,
- America First Books,
- Mission of Conscience,
- Leuren Moret,
- Leuren Moret Japan Times article,
- False Flag Space Shuttle,
- This article originally published by Veterans Today,
+ + +
Captain Eric H. May, a disabled veteran, is a former U.S. Army military intelligence officer and Desert Storm volunteer. A former NBC editorial writer, his essays have been published worldwide, from The Wall Street Journal to Military Intelligence Magazine.
Editor's Note
by William B. FoxOn 24 March 2011 I sent an informal email to Capt. May that had a phrase within it which, in hindsight, lent itself to unintended misinterpretation. Out of fairness to Leuren Moret, I need to address this issue. An extract of my email read as follows:
...I watched the following video which has valuable insights into the false flag nature of the Japanese earthquake-tsunami-nuclear catastrophe:
Scientist Leuren Moret - Japan earthquake and nuclear "accident" are tectonic nuclear warfare.
March 20, 2011 caption: "Independent scientist Leuren Moret, whose 2004 landmark article in the Japan Times unmasked lies and distortions by government and company officials that led to the construction of nuclear power plants in seismically dangerous areas, has declared in an exclusive 65-minute video interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre that the Japan earthquake and `accidents' at the Fukushima's 6 nuclear power plant units starting March 11, 2011 are in fact deliberate acts of tectonic nuclear warfare, carried out against the populations ecology of Japan and the nations of the Northern Hemisphere, including the U.S., Canada, and Mexico."
At 52 minutes16 seconds into this highly insightful video, Leuren Moret suggests how the Space Shuttle may have played a role analogous to an artillery spotter in helping to "walk in" a HAARP attack on faults in Japan. She explains how with the "stress and the strain at the fault zone where an earth quake is going to happen, you can see sheaves of electrons shooting up for hundreds of miles into the atmosphere along the surface of plane of the fault, and he [Dr. Marion Falk, principal mathematician behind the H-bomb] said that astronauts in space on the space station saw it. They could see the electron glow before a major earthquake that they observe from space..." At 54:40 she also describes how the next major seismic window of opportunity for an earthquake in the San Francisco area is March 19-26.
What I meant to say was that Leuren Moret made a statement which suggested in my mind how the Space Shuttle may have played a role analogous to an artillery spotter. In the video, she only talked about the space station, based upon comments made by Dr. Marion Fulk, and not about the Space Shuttle. At this point, I would need to speak with Ms. Moret directly to find out her views on the Space Shuttle.
Regarding PACIFEX 11, one can find additional documentation on the web as follows:
A Tsunami Warning Exercise, 23 March 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Earthquake Drill Linked to Asian Disaster
Thousands of Pakistani demonstrators have taken to the streets in the capital Islamabad to condemn unauthorized US drone attacks on the country's tribal regions.
Supporters of Pakistan's Jamaat-e-Islami religious party converged in front of the Parliament House on Sunday to demand that the government review its relations with Washington, a Press TV correspondent reported.
The protesters maintained that a simple apology or words of condemnation from Obama's administration do not go far enough, otherwise the US drone attacks would have stopped by now.
“There are demands that we should regain our sovereignty, the war has shifted in Pakistan and our soldiers are being killed. The government should step out of the war,” a demonstrator told Press TV on condition of anonymity.
Speaking at the rally, the chief of Jammat-e-Islami strongly criticized the Pakistani government for following what he called American policies.
“The government must avoid military operations in the North Waziristan. If they carry out any such operations at the American behest it will be disastrous for the country,” Syed Munawar Hassan said.
The US conducted a record 124 drone attacks in the tribal areas of Pakistan in 2010, more than double the number of predator strikes conducted in 2009. The assaults killed 1,184 people in 2010, compared to 2009's death toll of 760 in 53 attacks.
Most of the attacks took place in the North Waziristan tribal area -- a hotbed of Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan and al-Qaeda-linked militants.
Though Washington at times has claimed it has an agreement with Islamabad about such attacks, Pakistani authorities insist there has never been such a deal and that they view the airstrikes as repeated violations of the country's sovereignty.
The missile strikes have proven “counterproductive” as large numbers of outraged residents of the border areas are beginning to support the militants, according to Pakistani officials.
"We believe that they are counter-productive and also a violation of our sovereignty," Pakistani Foreign Ministry spokesman Abdul Basit said in early October.
"We hope that the US will revisit its policy," the spokesperson added.
In late November, Islamabad rejected a request by Washington to expand its drone missile campaign outside the tribal belt along the Afghan border.
Basit said Pakistan would not allow the United States to carry out drone strikes in new areas.
The protesters maintained that a simple apology or words of condemnation from Obama's administration do not go far enough, otherwise the US drone attacks would have stopped by now.
“There are demands that we should regain our sovereignty, the war has shifted in Pakistan and our soldiers are being killed. The government should step out of the war,” a demonstrator told Press TV on condition of anonymity.
Speaking at the rally, the chief of Jammat-e-Islami strongly criticized the Pakistani government for following what he called American policies.
“The government must avoid military operations in the North Waziristan. If they carry out any such operations at the American behest it will be disastrous for the country,” Syed Munawar Hassan said.
The US conducted a record 124 drone attacks in the tribal areas of Pakistan in 2010, more than double the number of predator strikes conducted in 2009. The assaults killed 1,184 people in 2010, compared to 2009's death toll of 760 in 53 attacks.
Most of the attacks took place in the North Waziristan tribal area -- a hotbed of Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan and al-Qaeda-linked militants.
Though Washington at times has claimed it has an agreement with Islamabad about such attacks, Pakistani authorities insist there has never been such a deal and that they view the airstrikes as repeated violations of the country's sovereignty.
The missile strikes have proven “counterproductive” as large numbers of outraged residents of the border areas are beginning to support the militants, according to Pakistani officials.
"We believe that they are counter-productive and also a violation of our sovereignty," Pakistani Foreign Ministry spokesman Abdul Basit said in early October.
"We hope that the US will revisit its policy," the spokesperson added.
In late November, Islamabad rejected a request by Washington to expand its drone missile campaign outside the tribal belt along the Afghan border.
Basit said Pakistan would not allow the United States to carry out drone strikes in new areas.
(my accentuation/jds)
It looks more and more like Pakistan is pushed by the US towards a popular revolt. Those drone attacks do not have any other purpose. And when the rebelling population topple the Government of Pakistan, the Americans + Israelis quietly will remove the nuclear weapons to some "undisclosed location".
What India will do is obvious: they will overtake the whole Kashmir nad probably more. I believe this game is stacked in exactly this way. The US, India and Israel have most certainly arranged the whole thing long ago. /j.d.s.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Tzipi Livni: "Antisemitism and Holocaust...justifies all we do to the's a trick"
Tzipi Livni's Soft Underbelly
by Dima Sternov
Those of us who are hetero- or bisexual men as well as those who are lesbians AND interested in the intricacies of internal (or external, as the case may be) politics of the Zionist Entitity have more than once groped over pictures of Tzipi Livni with a rather big question mark in our heads. What makes this woman attractive? Wherein lies her sex appeal?
If you show a picture of Ms. Livni to a guy who is not a student of international affairs and who limits his consumption of mass media to sports events, he will look at you and ask who this ugly woman is.
Those of us, however, who have been near her, seen her speak, interact with soldiers, exchanged a furtive glance with her, we know that she possesses a strange magnetism and that the best description for her would be: a human panther. She is strong, she is powerful, she is very smart, all of which make her dangerous to her opponents but also to herself.
Her interview with Amy Goodman is a classic example of how this powerful creature for a split second turns around and shows her soft, warm underbelly. Her power makes her self-confident to the point of studied carelessness. She knows that this maneuvre is very, very sexy precisely because it is so risky and it shows to all who care to look that she can afford it - and survive unscathed.
Whether Ms. Livni is happily married with five children or single on the lookout is immaterial. Being a political animal, the moment she leaves the privacy of her home she becomes a she-cat eager to use her power and to show it.
And she rather needs to because she knows perfectly well that her nose is big and skewed, that her cheeks are broad and heavy, that her neck is short and stocky, and that her waist is disappearing.
In short – she knows much better than you and I that she is not a photo model, and that her only chance to survive and thrive in the harsh, virile world of Zionist politics is the sharpness of her claws, fangs and brains.
And her warm underbelly, of course.
And her warm underbelly, of course.
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