Friday, December 31, 2010
(...and hyperinflation too. Why does this guy always have to discuss with some jerks on TV???)
Euro has 1-in-5 chance of lasting decade - Report
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The Centre for Economics and Business Research said Spain and Italy would have to refinance over 400 billion euros of bonds in the spring, potentially sparking a fresh crisis within the 16-nation euro area.
"The euro might break up at this point, though European politicians are normally able to respond to a crisis," said CEBR Chief Executive Douglas McWilliams in a list of 10 forecasts for 2011.
Sovereign debt crises in Greece and Ireland have rocked euro nations this year, leading some commentators to speculate that Germany could eventually lose patience with bailing out its more profligate neighbours, triggering a split in the currency bloc.
Read the whole article at REUTERS
Playboy VIP Lounge At The Hilton With T Pain-- Chicago
Price: $1,500
Why it's a guaranteed good time:
- Meet and greet with eight beautiful Playboy bunnies
- Live performance from T-Pain
- Five hour open bar
- Live casino gambling
- Hors d'oeuvres and buffet
Price: Free (but so awesomely insane that we had to include it!)
Why it's a guaranteed good time:
Why it's a guaranteed good time:
- Réveillon 2011 is a giant beach party along a four kilometer stretch of beach
- This year they are expecting about two million people people to help usher in the Década de Ouro or the Golden Decade.
- Non-stop shows by famous performers on four different stages
- 20-minute fireworks show from eleven barges with 1,200 fireworks each
- The official launch of the 2016 Olympics logo.
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Witch of the North |
Combet, for his part, is committed to putting a price on carbon.
What Hedegaard didn't mention in her piece, but to which Combet and Australia should pay close attention, is that the Danish tax authority has been robbed blind by a carbon trading scandal that has rocked the market for carbon offsets. While the story saw some coverage a year ago, significantly higher losses have since been reported and this has largely been ignored.
The Danish auditor general is on the case now as the scope of the crime has become obvious, and grown exponentially since it was first reported. Originally discussed as a quasi-small-time dollar scam, the reality a year later is a lot larger: Europol is estimating a value on the case of 38 billion kroner and the values seem to keep going up.
Hedegaard, then Denmark's Climate and Energy Minister, helped set up and manage a system where there were no background checks on the listings of permitted traders. This removal of identification was done even though the EU requires at least a passport. This helped a group of fake, rogue traders set up a program that looted the Danish economy of up to 2 per cent of its GDP in lost VAT taxes.
Here's How:
Estonia, The Last Passenger on the Titanic
Hopefully if the Euro does shatter, Estonia can find a lifeboat in the future Next Generation German Mark. They have made the currency jump a few times now, what could be so hard with possibly having three currencies in one rolling twelve months?
2011 is set to arrive in a few hours. With its arrival, Estonia will join the EU currency regime as the last of 17 nations approved to use the Euro. They may be the proverbial last passenger up the gang plank to board the Titanic.
Estonians in the last few years, have refinanced their home mortgages in Euro or other like currencies. These loans would become unplayable if Estonia tried to back out of the currency merger at this point. You could say that their population gave up state sovereignty for cheap home payments in a future currency they will have little to no advice in going forward.Hopefully if the Euro does shatter, Estonia can find a lifeboat in the future Next Generation German Mark. They have made the currency jump a few times now, what could be so hard with possibly having three currencies in one rolling twelve months?
READ THE WHOLE PIECE AT Ramblings of a Retired Portfolio Manager
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Israel's ex-president convicted of rape
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His Excellency |
Former Israeli President Moshe Katsav has been found guilty of raping and sexually abusing several women during the time he was holding office.
The Tel Aviv district court on Thursday convicted Katsav on two counts of rape and other sex abuse charges, declaring that the ex-president's version of events was "riddled with lies."
The verdict was handed down more than four years after complaints surfaced severe sexual offenses against his employees, Israeli daily Ha'aretz reported.
Katsav was convicted of raping and sexually abusing a former employee from the tourism ministry. He was also convicted of sexually harassing two other women from the president's residence.
The year-long trial took place almost entirely behind closed doors on Thursday morning.
The verdict came one year and a half after the start of his trial and 12 years after allegedly committing the first of the offenses with which he was charged.
The conviction means Katsav will face a minimum of four years in prison.
British secret file confirms Israeli nukes
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Israel's Dimona nuclear plant in the Negev Desert |
A newly released British document confirms that Israel has possessed nuclear weapons for more than three decades.
Secret files released by Britain's National Archives said on Wednesday that British officials feared Tel Aviv would use its nuclear weapons in case of another war with Arab countries in the region.
Israel, which is considered as the sole possessor of nuclear weapons in the Middle East, has never confirmed or denied that it has produced nuclear warheads. It has refused to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and also adamantly rejected international inspection of its nuclear facilities.
Former US President Jimmy Carter acknowledged for the first time in May 2008 that Tel Aviv has 150 nuclear warheads in its arsenals.
In 1986, Israeli nuclear technician, Mordechai Vanunu, leaked the news that Israel had between 100 and 200 nuclear weapons.
Vanunu was a former worker at the country's Dimona nuclear reactor in the Negev desert.
In May 2010, the UK's Guardian newspaper said secret South African documents reveal that in 1975, Israel offered to sell nuclear warheads to the then-apartheid regime in South Africa.
According to documents obtained by the newspaper, a secret meeting between the then-Israeli defense minister, Shimon Peres, and his South African counterpart, P.W. Botha, ended with an offer for the sale of warheads “in three sizes.”
The Guardian claimed that those “sizes” referred to conventional, chemical and nuclear weapons.
Israel has initiated several wars in the region in its 60-year-old history of occupation of Palestinian territories in the West Bank and East al-Quds (Jerusalem).
Stuxnet False Flag Launched For Web Takeover ?
False flag to rush passage of draconian cybersecurity legislation?
Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, September 27, 2010
Israel and the United States have emerged as the prime suspects behind the Stuxnet worm attack, which has infected the Iranian nuclear plant at Bushehr, following the discovery that a “wealthy group or nation” must have been responsible for the malware assault.
On Sunday, Infowars speculated that Stuxnet was a false flag intended to both target Iran and provide a pretext for the implementation of draconian cybersecurity legislation.
That suspicion has been greatly enhanced by new evidence which proves the virus was “created by experts working for a country or a well-funded private group,” according to Liam O Murchu, manager of security response operations at Symantec Corp.
“A number of governments with sophisticated computer skills would have the ability to create such a code. They include China, Russia, Israel, Britain, Germany and the United States,” states the Associated Press report, clearly indicating that the US, Israel, Great Britain, or a combination of the three were behind the attack.
The Stuxnet worm is now “rampaging through Iran,” causing havoc to the country’s industrial infrastructure, having already infected at least 30,000 IP addresses.
There would be no motivation whatsoever for Russia to be behind the attack because they have helped fuel the Bushehr reactor. China has backed US calls for sanctions in response to the nuclear plant, but it can hardly be claimed that the Chinese have aggressively opposed its construction and fueling. Indeed, China has been a regular exporter of nuclear technology and assistance to Iran in recent years.
That leaves three prime suspects, all of whom have followed identical foreign policies in vehemently opposing Iran’s self-proclaimed goal of developing peaceful nuclear energy.
Top globalists such as Richard Falkenrath, a principal at Chertoff Group and a Bloomberg Television contributing editor, already blamed Israel for the attack before evidence emerged that the virus was the work of a sophisticated nation state.
Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, September 27, 2010
Israel and the United States have emerged as the prime suspects behind the Stuxnet worm attack, which has infected the Iranian nuclear plant at Bushehr, following the discovery that a “wealthy group or nation” must have been responsible for the malware assault.
On Sunday, Infowars speculated that Stuxnet was a false flag intended to both target Iran and provide a pretext for the implementation of draconian cybersecurity legislation.
That suspicion has been greatly enhanced by new evidence which proves the virus was “created by experts working for a country or a well-funded private group,” according to Liam O Murchu, manager of security response operations at Symantec Corp.
“A number of governments with sophisticated computer skills would have the ability to create such a code. They include China, Russia, Israel, Britain, Germany and the United States,” states the Associated Press report, clearly indicating that the US, Israel, Great Britain, or a combination of the three were behind the attack.
The Stuxnet worm is now “rampaging through Iran,” causing havoc to the country’s industrial infrastructure, having already infected at least 30,000 IP addresses.
There would be no motivation whatsoever for Russia to be behind the attack because they have helped fuel the Bushehr reactor. China has backed US calls for sanctions in response to the nuclear plant, but it can hardly be claimed that the Chinese have aggressively opposed its construction and fueling. Indeed, China has been a regular exporter of nuclear technology and assistance to Iran in recent years.
That leaves three prime suspects, all of whom have followed identical foreign policies in vehemently opposing Iran’s self-proclaimed goal of developing peaceful nuclear energy.
Top globalists such as Richard Falkenrath, a principal at Chertoff Group and a Bloomberg Television contributing editor, already blamed Israel for the attack before evidence emerged that the virus was the work of a sophisticated nation state.
17. Dec, 2010
In a recent interview Prof. Francis Boyle, professor of international law, states categorically that “any ‘criticism’ at all of Israel in the United States, is deemed to be anti-semitic…. Hypocrisy is shot through the entire Academy…. The whole American academic world in my opinion are racists and hypocrites when it comes to Palestinians” asserts Boyle.
About Prof. Francis Boyle: He served as Legal Advisor to the Palestinian Delegation to the Middle East Peace Negotiations from 1991 to 1993, and to the Syrian Delegation to the Middle East Peace Negotiations during their First Round held in Washington DC in 1991. The story is told in his book Palestine, Palestinians and International Law (Clarity Press: 2003). His newest book is The Palestinian Right of Return under International Law (Clear Day Books, forthcoming).
In a recent interview Prof. Francis Boyle, professor of international law, states categorically that “any ‘criticism’ at all of Israel in the United States, is deemed to be anti-semitic…. Hypocrisy is shot through the entire Academy…. The whole American academic world in my opinion are racists and hypocrites when it comes to Palestinians” asserts Boyle.
About Prof. Francis Boyle: He served as Legal Advisor to the Palestinian Delegation to the Middle East Peace Negotiations from 1991 to 1993, and to the Syrian Delegation to the Middle East Peace Negotiations during their First Round held in Washington DC in 1991. The story is told in his book Palestine, Palestinians and International Law (Clarity Press: 2003). His newest book is The Palestinian Right of Return under International Law (Clear Day Books, forthcoming).
One quote from this elegant presentation:
“I’m constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud.”
The words of someone so inflated by his own self-esteem that he thinks that stolen, or perhaps donated documents, which can be forged and otherwise manipulated, should take precedence over the stark, recorded evidence which proves that the official version of 9/11 is a pack of lies.
Huge buildings do not collapse in freefall, for no reason, and even bigger ones do not eject molten iron caused by fires far less intense than those found in jet-engine combustion chambers.
But, give him his due, he does seem to be a godsend for the CIA and Mossad, because of his views about 9/11. Come to think of it: If Julian Assange had not existed, the CIA and Mossad would have invented him.
Finally, here’s a rogue’s gallery of some of those behind-the-scenes people who see that the masses are kept uninformed. Anyone with an IQ above 90 and an Internet connection knows that 9/11 could not have happened the way the world was told it happened.
So how do we describe the people who are still covering that up?
You can’t call them prostitutes; prostitutes only put themselves at risk, while people who are paid to deliberately mislead others and put their own children and millions of others at risk require a special kind of condemnation. The money they earn has blood on it. They are pariahs, and they should be treated as such.
They are all part of a huge media circus, and the fact is: WikiLeaks is just a sideshow to what’s inside the Big Black Tent—a sideshow to make you think that you are seeing a glimmer of the truth. But don’t be fooled, the men and women who do the bidding of their mainstream-media masters are the biggest threats of all. Unless they stop covering it up, the truth may not be the only thing to go up in flames.
Anthony Lawson (known professionally as Tony Lawson) is a retired international-prize-winning commercials director, cameraman, ad agency creative director and voice over. He used to be known for shooting humorous commercials, but doesn’t find much to laugh about, with the way the world is going, these days.
"THE CORPORATION NATION" a documentary every indentured "citizen" should see
What the guy is saying is essentially that each and every local, state and federal administration is a for-profit corporation and nobody's that the public administration owns the bulk of the US private sector. And why it sucks.
Personal word from this blogger:
I have listened WALTER BURIEN in a couple of talk shows and visited his websites (HERE and HERE) during the last 3-4 years, but I could not wrap my mind around the enormity of what he was telling me. His VIDEOS were impressive but one tends to forget these things (like stories about the UFOs).
Then, I've bounced the whole thing off my friend, a distinguished economist, former analyst at the Department of Treasury and more recently - economic advisor to Congressman Kucinich. Rick Cook was unimpressed at first. Senere, he did incorporate some of the ideas in his presentation of THE COOK PLAN.
Now I can only implore YOU:
WATCH THE MOVIE (please) and don't forget about the issue, not today, however fantastic like it might appear to be at first. People have been killed or otherwise silenced because of these things. That we are being lied to by politicians is not a news. News is that the lie might be that MONUMENTAL. And all things have cosequences .
SEE THE REMAINING PARTS OF THE FILM add visit the Author's website.
Personal word from this blogger:
I have listened WALTER BURIEN in a couple of talk shows and visited his websites (HERE and HERE) during the last 3-4 years, but I could not wrap my mind around the enormity of what he was telling me. His VIDEOS were impressive but one tends to forget these things (like stories about the UFOs).
Then, I've bounced the whole thing off my friend, a distinguished economist, former analyst at the Department of Treasury and more recently - economic advisor to Congressman Kucinich. Rick Cook was unimpressed at first. Senere, he did incorporate some of the ideas in his presentation of THE COOK PLAN.
Now I can only implore YOU:
WATCH THE MOVIE (please) and don't forget about the issue, not today, however fantastic like it might appear to be at first. People have been killed or otherwise silenced because of these things. That we are being lied to by politicians is not a news. News is that the lie might be that MONUMENTAL. And all things have cosequences .
SEE THE REMAINING PARTS OF THE FILM add visit the Author's website.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Pakistan: $167 Billion GDP
Median age in 2010: 21.3
Median age in 2040: 29.4
Birth rate: 65 out of 223
Pakistan is rapidly becoming the fourth most populous country in the world, but that does not make it one of the BRICs. Far more than neighbors India and China, Pakistan lacks the infrastructure for educating its surging population and the economy for employing them.
"Time is running out to put appropriate policies in place. The absence of this may result in large-scale unemployment and immense pressure on health and education systems. In short, a socio-economic crisis may take place, making the demographic dividend more of a demographic threat,” said Durr-e-Nayab of the Pakistan Institute of Development Economics.
Source GDP & Birth rate: CIA World Factbook
Source Population & Age: UN
Russia: $1,255 Billion GDP
Median age in 2010: 38.1
Median age in 2040: 45.5
Birth rate: 178 out of 223
Although Russia fared well in the past decade -- named alongside Brazil, India, and China as Goldman Sach's favorite developing economies -- it is now doomed to a long and inevitable decline. Low birth rates are already depleting the population.
Source GDP & Birth rate: CIA World Factbook
Source Population & Age: UN
For all the crazy stories you've heard about China, the world's biggest country is going to keep blowing your mind.
The speed and size of economic development going in China right now has never happened before. In just ten years, a small emerging market has transformed into a geopolitical bruiser that can go toe-to-toe with Ben Bernanke.
Like it or not, China plays a critical role in the global economy from here out. Let's hope it hope doesn't crash.
Source: Daily Mail
Read more here >
Source: National Geographic
The speed and size of economic development going in China right now has never happened before. In just ten years, a small emerging market has transformed into a geopolitical bruiser that can go toe-to-toe with Ben Bernanke.
Like it or not, China plays a critical role in the global economy from here out. Let's hope it hope doesn't crash.
The world's biggest mall is in China... but it has been 99% empty since 2005
America's fastest "high speed" train goes less than half as fast as the new train between Shanghai and Beijing (150 mph vs 302 mph)
85 percent of artificial Christmas trees are made in China. So are 80 percent of toys
Image: jypsygen on flickr
China has 64 million vacant homes, including entire cities that are empty
Wikileaks: Its Impact On World Media
Julian Assange ushering in a "new global information order?"
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Wayne |
The selective release of around a quarter million US State Department cables, some of them redacted after screening by corporate media entities such as The New York Times, The Guardian, Der Spiegel, and Le Monde, among others, comes at a time when there are calls by governments, including officials of the Obama administration, to restrict information content on the Internet.
In fact, the release of the State Department cables may have served as a digital "9/11," an event that has spurred on the agenda of neo-conservatives who continue to exercise influence outside and within the Obama administration to bring about total government control of the flow of information in cyberspace.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010 might want to read the findings of Dr Gianluigi Zangari, theoretical physicist at the National Institute of Nuclear Physics in Italy who says that the Earth’s central heating system has broken down
because of the oil spill. When the archaeologists of the future dig down through the tundra around Hampden Park they are bound to ask how the planet could have been plunged into deep cold...

In The War You Don’t See (2010), investigative journalist and filmmaker John Pilger chronicles the massive lies that keep the Western world in war on the Middle East and elsewhere. Pilger interviews key journalists involved in propagandizing the wars, along with others, like Dahr Jamail and Mark Manning, who reported independent of the military. He relentlessly exposes corporate, mainstream media journalists and news editors who nowadays are no more than well paid prostitutes. Anything resembling investigative, critical journalism is gone and replaced by shameless propagandizing.
Military strategy has been replaced by large scale, indiscriminate and massive destruction of nations.
It turns out the toppling of the statue of Saddam was a media stunt where the cheering public consisted mostly of foreign journalists.
The heroic journalists were busy reporting the tragedy of Jessica Lynch at the same time the greatest battle of the Iraq War - The Battle of Baghdad - was raging (for some reason even Pilger is not mentioning this one).
The film stands in stark contrast to today’s news shows propagandizing the public about North Korea, recently attacked by South Korea.
While Pilger relentlessly exposes journalists - the worker bees of the Propaganda War on Western populations, he carefully avoids revealing the puppetmasters who pay their media prostitutes and who dictate where the next war is going to be. And WHY.
(Nevertheless - highly recommended.)
Military strategy has been replaced by large scale, indiscriminate and massive destruction of nations.
It turns out the toppling of the statue of Saddam was a media stunt where the cheering public consisted mostly of foreign journalists.
The heroic journalists were busy reporting the tragedy of Jessica Lynch at the same time the greatest battle of the Iraq War - The Battle of Baghdad - was raging (for some reason even Pilger is not mentioning this one).
The film stands in stark contrast to today’s news shows propagandizing the public about North Korea, recently attacked by South Korea.
While Pilger relentlessly exposes journalists - the worker bees of the Propaganda War on Western populations, he carefully avoids revealing the puppetmasters who pay their media prostitutes and who dictate where the next war is going to be. And WHY.
(Nevertheless - highly recommended.)
by Gus Lubin, Dec. 27, 2010
Andy Xie's latest sees the liquidity war getting worse in 2011.
America will continue to pump the financial system with liquidity via tax cuts and quantitative easing. China will keep the yuan cheap and avoid clamping down on inflation.
The tense equilibrium can't last for long, as either sovereign debt or inflation gets too heavy to bear. Whoever lasts longer, wins.
America will continue to pump the financial system with liquidity via tax cuts and quantitative easing. China will keep the yuan cheap and avoid clamping down on inflation.
The tense equilibrium can't last for long, as either sovereign debt or inflation gets too heavy to bear. Whoever lasts longer, wins.
The most likely candidates to trigger the next global crisis are the U.S.'s sovereign debt or China's inflation. When one goes down first, the other can prolong its economic cycle. China may have won the last race. To win the next one, China must tackle its inflation problem, which is ultimately a political and structural issue, in 2011. If China does, the U.S. will again be the cause for the next global crisis. China will suffer from declining exports but benefit from lower oil prices.
On the other hand, if China has a hard landing, the U.S.'s trade deficit can drop dramatically, maybe by 50 percent, due to lower import prices. It would boost the dollar's value and bring down the U.S.'s treasury yield. The U.S. can have lower financing costs and lower expenditures. The combination allows the U.S. to enjoy a period of good growth.
Blythe Masters is the most powerful woman alive on this planet today. She is so powerful that it can ruin any middle sized country in 30 seconds, just by making a few phone calls.
Her fame in the banking world is that it has reinvented the credit default swaps that transformed paper into gold, and whose heavy use by banks ended up triggering the greatest economic crisis in modern history. The Guardian of London has dubbed her
"The woman who invented the financial weapons of mass destruction. "
Blythe Masters is the attractive face of the crisis, one that paradoxically, the public does not know. Yet she is the center, the fixed point of a ruined financial system.
The new book written by Pierre Jovanovic describes how the crisis has been triggered and tries to predict what will happen in the future. It shows that Blythe Masters and the banks knew that the system would sink and had already prepared new plans.
Blythe Masters is the attractive face of the crisis, one that paradoxically, the public does not know. Yet she is the center, the fixed point of a ruined financial system.
The new book written by Pierre Jovanovic describes how the crisis has been triggered and tries to predict what will happen in the future. It shows that Blythe Masters and the banks knew that the system would sink and had already prepared new plans.
Blythe Sally Jess Masters (born Oxford, England, 22 March 1969) is an economist and current head of global commodities at J.P. Morgan Chase.
Monday, December 27, 2010
A "HOLLYWOOD ENDING" FOR AMERICA (Keith J. has done it again!)
Did you hear the one about the guy who had everything, only to lose it all to the connivance of an evil seductress?
It’s a familiar story that has been the subject of countless novels and films. It became quite popular during the 1940’s and 1950’s, giving rise to the ‘film noir’ genre that brought us such classics as Gilda, Double Indemnity and The Postman Always Rings Twice. A revival, in the 1980’s and 1990’s, put a modern spin on that theme with critically acclaimed features like Body Heat, Fatal Attraction and The Last Seduction.
In these films, the femme fatale—French for “deadly woman”—usually enlists the help of some hapless bloke to help advance her hidden agenda. To this end, she will use her feminine wiles to ensnare him, and then ultimately employ lying and coercion to control and manipulate him further, until she has finally achieved her objective.
The conclusions are often the same. After helping the woman with her schemes, the man is usually discarded, and left alone to answer for her crimes. By the time he finds out that he has been betrayed, the woman has already left—and has moved on to her next victim—leaving him a broke and ruined man.
Sound familiar? It should. It’s the story of America, and how one ‘special relationship’ with a foreign nation brought it to the edge of ruin.
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Matty: You aren’t too smart, are you? I like that in a man. from Body Heat (1981) |
Did you hear the one about the guy who had everything, only to lose it all to the connivance of an evil seductress?
It’s a familiar story that has been the subject of countless novels and films. It became quite popular during the 1940’s and 1950’s, giving rise to the ‘film noir’ genre that brought us such classics as Gilda, Double Indemnity and The Postman Always Rings Twice. A revival, in the 1980’s and 1990’s, put a modern spin on that theme with critically acclaimed features like Body Heat, Fatal Attraction and The Last Seduction.
In these films, the femme fatale—French for “deadly woman”—usually enlists the help of some hapless bloke to help advance her hidden agenda. To this end, she will use her feminine wiles to ensnare him, and then ultimately employ lying and coercion to control and manipulate him further, until she has finally achieved her objective.
The conclusions are often the same. After helping the woman with her schemes, the man is usually discarded, and left alone to answer for her crimes. By the time he finds out that he has been betrayed, the woman has already left—and has moved on to her next victim—leaving him a broke and ruined man.
Sound familiar? It should. It’s the story of America, and how one ‘special relationship’ with a foreign nation brought it to the edge of ruin.
Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography carries brand new review on the risk of cancers due to the use of cell phones.
The authors compare the earlier, usually telecom industry-founded, short term studies with the most recent, independent and long-term ones.
Briefly, they conclude that the regular use of cell phones may double the risk of several head cancers like brain tumors, tumors of the inner ear and tumors of salivary glands. The risk is dose-dependent.
Boys and men carrying cell phones in front pockets of their trousers have increased risk of testicular cancer. They have severely reduced sperm counts and their live sperm cells have poor mobility. One study found a highly significant (99.99% confidence) 59% decline in sperm count. What's more ominous, some studies show that offspiring of ”front-pocket carriers” have increased risk of birth defects. More long term studies are due in the coming years.
Over the last 2 decades, there have been numerous epidemiological studies on breast cancer although this relationship remains controversial. Many of these studies reported that exposures are related to increased risk of breast cancer.
Investigations also show that breast cancer cells grow faster if exposed to low electromagnetic radiation at low environmental levels, similar to those of cell phones.
The mechanism of tumor promotion is unknown although the most probable candidate is the influence of RF radiation on enzymes in living cells.
The authors give several practical advices for safer use of cell phones and conclude that:
”People should be very restrictive with using mobile phones, as there is a significant body of compelling scientific evidence indicating serious hazards from their use.
Therefore, it is advisable to reduce the use to very few and brief calls. People younger than 20 years should have mobile phones that allow short message service messages only, but no talking, because the risks are far higher in young people.”
Therefore, it is advisable to reduce the use to very few and brief calls. People younger than 20 years should have mobile phones that allow short message service messages only, but no talking, because the risks are far higher in young people.”
Read the report HERE
Sunday, December 26, 2010
As I once had to make a similar choice, I can only agree with the sad conclusions (j.s.).
By Simon Black, Daily Reckoning, December 23. 2010
In 43 BC, over 2,000 years ago, warring consuls
In 43 BC, over 2,000 years ago, warring consuls
Antony, Lepidus, and Octavian were duking it out
with each other over control of Rome
following Julius Caesar's assassination the prior March.
Each had legions at his disposal, and Rome's terrified
following Julius Caesar's assassination the prior March.
Each had legions at his disposal, and Rome's terrified
Senate sat on its hands waiting for the outcome.
Ultimately, the three men chose to unite their powers
and rule Rome together in what became known as the
Second Triumvirate. This body was established by a law named Lex Titia
in 43 BC.
The foundation of the Second Triumvirate is of tremendous historical
importance: As the group wielded dictatorial powers, it represented the
final nail in the coffin in Rome's transition from republic to
malignant autocracy.
The Second Triumvirate expired after 10 years, upon which Octavian
waged war on his partners once again, resulting in Mark Antony's famed
suicide with Cleopatra in 31 BC. Octavian was eventually rewarded with
nearly supreme power, and he is generally regarded as Rome's first
Things only got worse from there. Tiberius, Octavian's successor, was a
paranoid deviant with a lust for executions. He spent the last decade
of his reign completely detached from Rome, living in Capri.
Following Tiberius was Caligula, infamous for his moral depravity and
insanity. According to Roman historians Suetonius and Cassius Dio,
Caligula would send his legions on pointless marches and turned his
palace into a bordello of such repute that it inspired the 1979 porno
film named for him.
Caligula was followed by Claudius, a stammering, slobbering, confused
man as described by his contemporaries. Then there was Nero, who not
only managed to burn down his city, but was also the first emperor to
debase the value of Rome's currency.
You know the rest of the story - Romans watched their leadership and
country get worse and worse.
All along the way, there were two types
Second Triumvirate. This body was established by a law named Lex Titia
in 43 BC.
The foundation of the Second Triumvirate is of tremendous historical
importance: As the group wielded dictatorial powers, it represented the
final nail in the coffin in Rome's transition from republic to
malignant autocracy.
The Second Triumvirate expired after 10 years, upon which Octavian
waged war on his partners once again, resulting in Mark Antony's famed
suicide with Cleopatra in 31 BC. Octavian was eventually rewarded with

nearly supreme power, and he is generally regarded as Rome's first
Things only got worse from there. Tiberius, Octavian's successor, was a
paranoid deviant with a lust for executions. He spent the last decade
of his reign completely detached from Rome, living in Capri.
Following Tiberius was Caligula, infamous for his moral depravity and
insanity. According to Roman historians Suetonius and Cassius Dio,
Caligula would send his legions on pointless marches and turned his
palace into a bordello of such repute that it inspired the 1979 porno
film named for him.
Caligula was followed by Claudius, a stammering, slobbering, confused
man as described by his contemporaries. Then there was Nero, who not
only managed to burn down his city, but was also the first emperor to
debase the value of Rome's currency.
You know the rest of the story - Romans watched their leadership and
country get worse and worse.
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JFK getting shot (for non-US readers) |
of people: The first group was folks that
figured, "This has GOT to be the bottom;
it can only get better from here." Their
patriotism was rewarded with reduced
civil liberties, higher taxes, insane despots,
and a debased currency.
The other group consisted of people
The other group consisted of people
who looked at the warning signs and thought, "I have to get out of here."
They followed their instincts and moved on to other places where they
could build their lives, survive, and prosper.
I'm raising this point because I'd like to open a debate. Some consider
the latter idea of expatriating to be akin to 'running away.' I recall
a rather impassioned comment from a reader who suggested, "leaving,
i.e. running away, is certainly not the proper response."
I find this logic to be flawed.
While the notion of staying and 'fighting' is a noble idea, bear in
mind that there is no real enemy or force to fight. The government is a
faceless bureaucracy that's impossible to attack. People who try to do so
usually discredit their argument because they become marginalized as
fringe lunatics. Violence is rarely the answer, and it often has the
opposite effect as intended, frequently serving to bolster support for
the government instead of raising awareness of its shortcomings.
Unless/until government paramilitaries start duking it out with citizen
militia groups in the streets, this is an ideological battle...and it's
an uphill battle at best.
Government-controlled educational systems institutionalize us from
childhood that governments are just, and that we should all subordinate
ourselves to authority and to the greater good that they dictate in
their sole discretion.
You're dealing with a mob mentality, plain and simple. Do you want to
waste limited resources (time, money, energy) trying to convince your
neighbor that s/he should not expect free money from the government?
You could spend a lifetime trying to change ideology and not make a
dent; people have to choose for themselves to wake up; it cannot be
forced upon them. And until that happens, they're going to keep asking
for more security and more control because it's the way their values
have been programmed.
When you think about it, what we call a 'country' is nothing more than
a large concentration of people who share common values. Over time,
those values adjust and evolve. Today, cultures in many countries value
things like fake security, subordination, and ignorance over freedom,
independence, and awareness.
When it appears more and more each day that those common values diverge
from your own, all that's left of a country are irrelevant, invisible
lines on a map. I don't find these worth fighting for.
Nobody is born with a mandatory obligation to invisible lines on a map.
Our fundamental obligation is to ourselves, our families, and the
people that we choose to let into our circles...not to a piece of dirt
that's controlled by mob-installed bureaucrats.
I'm raising this point because I'd like to open a debate. Some consider
the latter idea of expatriating to be akin to 'running away.' I recall
a rather impassioned comment from a reader who suggested, "leaving,
i.e. running away, is certainly not the proper response."
I find this logic to be flawed.
While the notion of staying and 'fighting' is a noble idea, bear in
mind that there is no real enemy or force to fight. The government is a
faceless bureaucracy that's impossible to attack. People who try to do so
usually discredit their argument because they become marginalized as
fringe lunatics. Violence is rarely the answer, and it often has the
opposite effect as intended, frequently serving to bolster support for
the government instead of raising awareness of its shortcomings.

Unless/until government paramilitaries start duking it out with citizen
militia groups in the streets, this is an ideological battle...and it's
an uphill battle at best.
Government-controlled educational systems institutionalize us from
childhood that governments are just, and that we should all subordinate
ourselves to authority and to the greater good that they dictate in
their sole discretion.
You're dealing with a mob mentality, plain and simple. Do you want to
waste limited resources (time, money, energy) trying to convince your
neighbor that s/he should not expect free money from the government?
You could spend a lifetime trying to change ideology and not make a
dent; people have to choose for themselves to wake up; it cannot be
forced upon them. And until that happens, they're going to keep asking
for more security and more control because it's the way their values
have been programmed.
When you think about it, what we call a 'country' is nothing more than
a large concentration of people who share common values. Over time,
those values adjust and evolve. Today, cultures in many countries value
things like fake security, subordination, and ignorance over freedom,
independence, and awareness.
When it appears more and more each day that those common values diverge
from your own, all that's left of a country are irrelevant, invisible
lines on a map. I don't find these worth fighting for.
Nobody is born with a mandatory obligation to invisible lines on a map.
Our fundamental obligation is to ourselves, our families, and the
people that we choose to let into our circles...not to a piece of dirt
that's controlled by mob-installed bureaucrats.
calculated decision to seek
greener pastures elsewhere,
is not the same as 'running
away'...and I would argue that
if you really want to affect change
if you really want to affect change
in your home country, moving
away is the most effective
course of action.
The government beast in your home country feeds on debt and taxes, and
the best way to win is for bright, productive people to move away with
their ideas, labor, and assets. This effectively starves the beast and
accelerates its collapse. Then, when the smoke clears, you can move
back and help rebuild a free society.
[Ed. Note: Mr. Black describes himself as an international investor,
entrepreneur, permanent traveler and, perhaps most importantly, a free
The government beast in your home country feeds on debt and taxes, and
the best way to win is for bright, productive people to move away with
their ideas, labor, and assets. This effectively starves the beast and
accelerates its collapse. Then, when the smoke clears, you can move
back and help rebuild a free society.
[Ed. Note: Mr. Black describes himself as an international investor,
entrepreneur, permanent traveler and, perhaps most importantly, a free
Saturday, December 25, 2010
“Wikileaks was a conduit for a lot of material that the Wikileakers themselves could not identify or source. If an intelligence agency wanted to plant its own slanted “disclosures” in the welter of documents being dumped on the site, it would be only too easy to do.”
In my previous articles I pointed out the most obvious problems I have with WikiLeaks - the fact that its leaks seem to leave larger Zionist imperial goals untouched; its antagonistic stance to 9-11 truth; it frantic validation and promotion by major media; the falsity of many of its claims of confidentiality for leakers; the implausibility of its achievements absent intelligence or government connections; the contradictions between its public advocacy of transparency and its own secrecy; and the authoritarian tendencies in the writing and personality of its co-founder Julian Assange, tendencies that contradict the anarchist persona presented for public consumption.In brief, to the question - What is WikiLeaks?
My answer is - Whatever it is, it has become a vehicle for disinformation.
Next, the companion question -
Who is behind WikiLeaks?
(my idea who that might be, sorry for the spoiler / j.s.)
...the rest of this analysis in the newest issue of "Veterans Yoday"
Author of this rant shot this blue sky earlier this year. This is Sunday evening, above a European capital. What is strange and inexplicable, those lines tend to persist FOR HOURS and spread, eventually forming milky clouds, unlike the usual jet contrails which used to last no more than a couple of minutes.
Conspiracy theorists, you know, the jerks who get skyjacked and implanted by UFOs and refuse to believe in moon landing, believe that "THEY", meaning the Government or MenInBlack are spraying us with chemicals for some unknown and certainly nefarious reasons. I have been resisting these "theories" for a long time, searching for some rational explanation.
Earlier this year the German Air Force admitted to spraying the skies for weather modification:
This information did not get a wider distribution. AND THIS PIC IS NOT TAKEN OVER GERMANY. OK?
Then I saw a movie, just released, which seems to have connected some dots. It has been made in collaboration with G. Edward Griffin, a nestor of American political dissident movement and an author of the iconic "Creature from Jekyll Island" - a book exposing the Federal Reserve Scam. The other authors of the movie are Michael J. Murphy and Paul Witteberger, both thorough researchers.
Look it up. It might happen it's going to make some sense for you too.
Indeed...what the hell is going on???
Author of this rant shot this blue sky earlier this year. This is Sunday evening, above a European capital. What is strange and inexplicable, those lines tend to persist FOR HOURS and spread, eventually forming milky clouds, unlike the usual jet contrails which used to last no more than a couple of minutes.
Conspiracy theorists, you know, the jerks who get skyjacked and implanted by UFOs and refuse to believe in moon landing, believe that "THEY", meaning the Government or MenInBlack are spraying us with chemicals for some unknown and certainly nefarious reasons. I have been resisting these "theories" for a long time, searching for some rational explanation.
Earlier this year the German Air Force admitted to spraying the skies for weather modification:
This information did not get a wider distribution. AND THIS PIC IS NOT TAKEN OVER GERMANY. OK?
Then I saw a movie, just released, which seems to have connected some dots. It has been made in collaboration with G. Edward Griffin, a nestor of American political dissident movement and an author of the iconic "Creature from Jekyll Island" - a book exposing the Federal Reserve Scam. The other authors of the movie are Michael J. Murphy and Paul Witteberger, both thorough researchers.
Look it up. It might happen it's going to make some sense for you too.
Indeed...what the hell is going on???
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